Comments on: Company Theatre mini-docs new approach to online audience engagement Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Wheeler Sat, 22 Oct 2011 14:50:37 +0000 I think this is a pretty interesting strategy. Normally I am against ‘social media as window into process’ stuff. Too often creative process doesn’t translate and it ends up self-centred, and interesting only to those involved with the show.

These movies seem to buck the trend because of their high quality, the addition of a narrative, and the fact that I already know some of the ‘characters’ from television. Goes to show there are no hard and fast rules about this sort of thing.

I wonder what the addition of a camera into the rehearsal hall does to the rehearsal process? When I was running the Africa Trilogy Blog, people were pretty down with it as long as I didn’t take pictures or video during rehearsal. I assume this was to encourage actors to take risks and be vulnerable and not worry that the messyness of their process would be all over the internet…
