Comments on: Equity “Where’s the Beef?” Cross-Country Tour Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Wheeler Fri, 04 May 2012 17:11:41 +0000 Hi Arden,

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and clarification here.

There has been alot of organizing over the past five years including numerous eblasts, Facebook posts and blogging about an ESSENTIAL MEETING TO SAVE INDIE THEATRE.

But there always seems to be one more. The people I have talked to about this issue are seriously fatigued, they don’t understand why all the votes they cast over the course of 3 AGMs and multiple surveys they have filled out haven’t impacted any change.

Your comment helps clarify the purpose for many members I expect. That this is a forum to discuss conflicting answers from the ITRC data as well as how a new indie contract will impact existing ones.

Thanks again for taking the time to visit this forum and clarify the purpose and motivations to the tour.

By: Arden Fri, 04 May 2012 16:26:16 +0000 Actually Michael, when you pull the survey answers apart you find that there are a significant number of practical things which were not answered. Additionally, there are a certain number of conflicting answers. So the survey doesn’t actually contain as much information in some areas as it might seem to someone who isn’t quite as familiar with it all as I am. It’s not as simple as just throwing something together as the scope and “edges” of each agreement and policy are organized so as not to overlap or infringe on the scope and edges of another agreement or policy. Once you make a change in one area, you have to be aware of the possible impact on other areas. So, I could guess at what the members really want in some areas or I can do what I am doing and get out there and try to ask the questions I need answers to so that I can actually craft something that works. You can rest assured that I have no interest in travelling the country every weekend for five out of the next six weekends if I didn’t feel there was some good reason to do so! As well, this is an opportunity to answer any questions the members may have about the changes to the CTA, so I am afraid I must disagree with you about the reasons and the value of these meetings.
