Praxis Theatre is currently on hiatus! Please find co-founders Aislinn Rose and Michael Wheeler at The Theatre Centre and SpiderWebShow, respectively.

Tag: Artists’ Health Alliance

December 14, 2014, by

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If you are an artist living and working in Toronto, the Artists’ Health Alliance is a resource you need to know about.

Here are the top three things we think you should know:

1.     We are partners in health with the Al & Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre at Toronto Western Hospital

3633864156_c6c170fb1b_bThe Al & Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre (or “the Centre”) is just for artists like you. Because of the physical and mental demands of your work, we know that you have unique health needs. Just as sports medicine treats athletes, the Centre treats artists.

There is no other clinic in Canada that offers holistic, integrated care to professional artists.  It’s truly a one of a kind space, and is even equipped with an Acoustic Studio, and a Movement Assessment Studio with a sprung floor and video equipment to aid in diagnosis and treatment.

To check out a full list of services available at the Centre, click here.

2.     We offer financial support through the Joysanne Sidimus Subsidy Fund

AHC Studio

Movement Assessment Studio at the Al & Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre

Let’s face it: if you’re an artist, you’re generally not in it for the money.  It can be challenging just to make ends meet on an artists’ income, let alone be able to afford health care services like physiotherapy, massage or psychotherapy.  But without access to these specialized treatments, your ability to keep creating can suffer.

The Artists’ Health Alliance manages the Joysanne Sidimus Subsidy Fund to help cover the cost of treatments at the Centre that are not covered by OHIP.  We will cover 75% of the cost so you can give 100% to your art!

If you’d like to apply, you can find the Application Form and Guidelines on our website.

3.     We offer Workshop Programming & Educational Outreach

Workshop ProgrammingOur workshop season runs from September to June and is designed to address the specific needs of artists. These workshops cover a variety of topics such as Keeping Your Hands Healthy, learning Alexander Technique or Managing Stress with Self-Shiatsu.  Workshops and are typically in the range of $20 – $25 per class!

This year we have implemented Early Bird Registration that will save you $5 on any workshop you sign up for two weeks prior to the workshop date!

To check out our full list of programming, click here.

To find out more about us, you can find us on facebook and twitter, or sign up for our e-newsletter.