Comments on: We have to grow up sometime Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philip Akin Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:40:39 +0000 I recall those halcyon days back in the mid 60-s when the Foster’s Chicken Villa {now KFC} had the words to the song “Springtime in Kentucky on the sides of their boxes.

The first line went like this: “Oh it’s springtime in Kentucky and all the darkies are gay”
Times huh.

CAEA has had a tough row to hoe regarding how their e-drive works. Thus far they haven’t actually found a way of doing it without making someone upset.

By: Michael Wheeler Sat, 05 Dec 2009 22:22:51 +0000 Thanks for a great article Tara. I’m glad you chose this place to publish this piece.

Also glad to hear that CAEA is finding ways to interact with and address the concerns of non-union artists.

When I spoke with Kerry Ann at the 3rd Indie Caucus Town Hall held at The Theatre Centre, it was great to see her and several other Equity Counsellors in attendance. We talked about one of the issues being that there was no mechanism for non-CAEA members to talk to someone about things that relate to them and involve CAEA. So it’s great that individual counsellors are taking that responsibility upon themselves.

By: tarab Sat, 05 Dec 2009 15:42:06 +0000 Just wanted to share some new info… Kerry Ann Doherty (CAEA rep) chose to take on the mediatory role between Equity and I, which is why I didn’t ever hear from the actual individuals who were responsible for okay-ing the offending posting (and the apology). This makes sense in a lot of ways, given that I am not an Equity member, and I have spent time socially and professionally with Kerry Ann. Rather than taking this as proof of her good judgment, I had assumed that the people at CAEA were hiding behind the organization – this is not the case. Proof that I have growing up to do as well.
