Comments on: An open letter to some of the old farts Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: #CivilDebates: How we came to a debate about arts boards » Praxis Theatre Thu, 28 Mar 2013 18:36:32 +0000 […] I responded by saying I felt the issue was larger than the firing of one Artistic Director, and that an assumption could not be made that silence on one point was an indication of apathy on all points. I talked about this generation’s participation in Toronto’s Culture Consultations, about our work with TAPA & Arts Action Research’s Theatres Leading Change, about the Indie Caucus and our ongoing struggles to bring necessary changes to an important but outdated institution that is the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, and more. […]

By: DIY Artists Raise Their City Voices | culture | Torontoist Wed, 19 Dec 2012 18:35:51 +0000 […] year in particular there has been a lot of conversation about the divide between younger artists and more established artists, with the younger generation […]

By: 2012 Villain: Factory Theatre’s Board of Directors | NoIndex | Torontoist Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:52:21 +0000 […] without any apparent avenue for redress. Readers of the Praxis Theatre blog had an intense debate on the disenfranchisement of artists from their institutions; so far, there’s no obvious […]

By: TWISI: The Way I See It Theatre Blog » Blog Archive » Ken Gass & The Stolen Theatre Thu, 26 Jul 2012 08:14:06 +0000 […] group, you have a vital stake in what is happening and you need to express your opinions.” He was countered by Aislinn Rose at Praxis, who took the discussion in a different direction, saying that the young theatre artists are not […]

By: Some fallout from ‘the old farts’ » Praxis Theatre Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:51:49 +0000 […] Praxis Artistic Producer Aislinn Rose responded with a letter of her own, this went to a whole new level, with more people coming to the site in one day than saw all three […]

By: Aislinn Sat, 21 Jul 2012 21:15:29 +0000 Also, Jennie, you asked about resources with regards to the discussion of new models. The Toronto Theatres Leading Change process is ongoing and will eventually produce a report, but Arts Action Research led the program with companies in NYC and that report is available for download here.

By: Aislinn Sat, 21 Jul 2012 17:15:17 +0000 Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment. I absolutely agree that this shouldn’t be a matter of the different generations fighting each other, but rather working together to figure out how to make our community stronger as we face new challenges.

Camyar, your post was refreshingly honest and raises a great question that others are asking: “when should an AD step down?”, and hints at the other questions even fewer people like to ask: “Is there ever a time when it’s ok for a theatre company to close?”.

It’s a question Jacob Zimmer asked in his post “Questioning the everlasting nature” in March, where he also challenged our use of the ever-popular ecology metaphor. It’s a good read:

It is heartening to see all of the blog posts and facebook notes that have been written as a result of David Ferry’s initial question.

By: Arthur Milner Sat, 21 Jul 2012 04:09:09 +0000 Good response. We each choose the site of our battles. I find myself somewhat less concerned by the incompetent dismissal of Ken Gass than I am by Tarragon’s decision to not produce Michael Healey’s PROUD. Why is that? Perhaps because I’m satisfied I know the facts of the Healey/Tarragon case (see; but more, because Boards are an easy target. The Healey/Tarragon case involves conflict among artists.

By: Jennie Esdale Sat, 21 Jul 2012 03:54:49 +0000 Thanks for this great letter- once again Praxis comes forth with a thoughtful and clear perspective. This conversation is National, I’m Co-AD of Green Fools, a Calgary creation based company. We’re in solidarity regarding many issues you raise, including Equity reform, and our artistic practice defies the cookie cutter of the establishment. As well, even dripping in bitumen out here in the west, we are feeling the grants seize and evaporate. Regarding Factory, I too believe this is about more than one AD. I find it very disturbing that artists are parented by boards. I’m really interested in the new models you mention. Do you have more resources/ info on this?

By: Cole Lewis Sat, 21 Jul 2012 02:37:31 +0000 Thank you. While I appreciated David’s suggestion that this particular issue is larger than one AD, my experiences in Canada have only led me to question his “under 35” assumptions. Your letter is so perfectly clear and for that I commend you!
