Praxis Theatre is currently on hiatus! Please find co-founders Aislinn Rose and Michael Wheeler at The Theatre Centre and SpiderWebShow, respectively.

Category: Out and about

July 7, 2009, by

Yves Belanger

Yves Bélanger (currently starring in Moins 2 at the Théâtre du Bic) almost ripped the camera out of my hands when I ran into him in.   As I ran off I heard him yell, “câlisse de tabarnac !!! ” Geez,  I thought Montrealers were supposed to be nice….

May 12, 2009, by

Gianpaolo Venuta, star of Over the River and Through the Woods at the Segal Theatre in Montreal, was seen leaving the Jeanne Sauvé mansion late Saturday night with a mystery blond on his arm…Does his girlfriend know about this?

April 5, 2009, by

Jane Maggs (left) and Dana Puddicombe (right) were spotted at the opening night party for Small Wooden Shoe‘s Dedicated to The Revolutions at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. 
Is there trouble brewing between these two co-founders of East of Reason Theatre?
Seems like it.
January 22, 2008, by
1 comment

Toronto-based actor Beatriz Yuste
spotted here leaving Swan Restaurant.
Yuste then hailed a cab.

Spotted any hot theatre talent out and about
in your neighbourhood?
Send us your starstruck theatre photos: