Praxis Theatre is currently on hiatus! Please find co-founders Aislinn Rose and Michael Wheeler at The Theatre Centre and SpiderWebShow, respectively.

Category: Seen any good theatre lately?

March 6, 2007, by
1 comment

We put the question to the streets, so to speak, for this: a random sampling of shows people have seen and liked.

Tara Beagan – Associate Artist at UnSpun Theatre.

“VideoCabaret’s The Saskatchewan Rebellion will change what you know is possible in theatre. Particularly if you’ve not seen any in the series of The History of the Village of the Small Huts, get your arse into the Cameron House as soon as possible. The spastic precision of Michael Hollingsworth is a force to be reckoned with. You will be gleefully and repeatedly clobbered by the genius of this show. The whole creative team astounds, to the point where singling out one person is a bit crass. This is living, breathing visceral theatre perfect for a city whose venues are headed toward extinction there is no abundance of space or budget here, just a vigorous application of talent. At the end of this 74-minute power play you wanna take the whole company to the park and play outside until your fingers can’t work your zipper anymore. Just fucking amazing.”

The Saskatchewan Rebellion is on now for a limited run.

Have you seen any good theatre lately? Please drop us a line with the word.