Praxis Theatre is currently on hiatus! Please find co-founders Aislinn Rose and Michael Wheeler at The Theatre Centre and SpiderWebShow, respectively.
March 14, 2011, by

Laura Nordin has been involved in a lot of projects with Praxis Theatre over the years with roles in The Master and Margarita, Dyad, and Stranger, as well as assistant director of all our various performances that have resulted in Jesus Chrysler.

Not content with just creating independent artist driven theatre, she is also a core member of this independent film coop which is shooting scenes from a television show she is considering creating.  Additionally – today is her birthday.

Way to hustle and Happy Birthday Laura Nordin!

March 10, 2011, by
1 comment

This is an animated news story that relies heavily on metaphor about a live performance based on an animated character who was appeared first as a series of static images.

March 9, 2011, by

Olga, Masha and Irina must work, work, work, or they will never get to Moscow

by Michael Wheeler

Last week The Toronto Star pushed the boundaries of contemporary criticism when they sent two neophytes to review the heavily anticipated musical Billy Elliot in Toronto. The sole qualification they possessed as critics?

They were both human beings that shared their name coincidentally with that of the production . (They both had two “t”s in their name and the show only has one “t”, but whatever.)

Inspired by this bold choice to gain insight into and communicate the merit of the performing arts, Praxis Theatre  announces that effective immediately, we will  be abandoning our no-review policy for the website if any of the following people can be found to review the following shows:

  • An Anne Frank to review The Diary of Anne Frank.
  • Drew Barrymore to review Barrymore.
  • A busload of 12-year-old males from Newark to review Jersey Boys.
  • Spiderman to review Spiderman.
  • Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian to review Three Sisters.
  • Nikki Yanofsky to review Torch Song Trilogy.
  • Jesus Christ to review Jesus Chrysler.

Pushing the envelope, but worth considering:

  • Tony Nardi to review The Misanthrope.
  • Prince William for Kiss Me, Kate.
  • Sirhan Sirhan to review Assassins.
  • Kevin Bacon to review Six Degrees of Separation.

Please get in touch through the info@ address above if you are interested in writing a review for our website and you are one of the people listed above.

If you have any similarly themes suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comments!

March 4, 2011, by

by Melissa D’Agostino

Welcome to Tea with D’Agostino, an interview series where members of Toronto’s theatre community come over to my place for tea and homemade treats, and we sit around to not talk about theatre.  That’s right: theatre artists not talking about theatre.  It’s time.

My inaugural interview is with the core members of Project: Humanity who recently doubled their goal to raise 5000 tokens for Youth Without Shelter in Rexdale through a massive campaign that took over TTC Subway stations called Tokens4Change. They managed to raise 10,000 tokens and raise awareness through live performances by both youth and professionals within the subway stations, as well as a texting campaign that is still active (text TOKENS to 45678 to donate).

They also recently opened The Middle Place at Canadian Stage, a piece of verbatim theatre written by Andrew Kushnir based on on-camera interviews with the residents of Youth Without Shelter. The Middle Place is a product of the De-Shelter Initiative they began in 2007, and is the inaugural project emerging from the community work they are currently engaged in.

I sat down with Andrew, Dan, Antonio and Catherine for some tea.

On the menu today:

Teas: Cream of Earl Grey, Forbidden Fruit, Bravissimo

Treats: Homemade blueberry scones and finger sandwiches

Melissa: Thanks for doing this, folks.

Andrew: No problem.  We want to win the trip

Melissa: Oh right, one of the interview groups wins an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas.

Andrew: Really? That’s great.

Melissa: Yeah.  This is a theatre blog so we have lots of money!

Catherine: I can’t remember the last time I had a cucumber sandwich.

Antonio: Um…quarter past never.

On effecting social change:

Melissa: Now, your company started out wanting to effect local and global change, but you seemed to have shifted your focus more on the local.  We’ve talked before, Antonio and I, about how my personal feeling is that that’s how you create global change, through the local.  Do you think there’s another way for you to move into having a more global, or national, or wider affect through the work that you do, or if you see the local as the stepping stone to that?

Antonio: I don’t really think you can be here and affect things globally without being there.  Does that make sense? I’m not totally interested in sending relief, I’m interested in knowing what the culture is around you and figuring out who you are in that ecosystem, and figuring out how you can be a better you, and help people be a better them, and help people develop their own skills and resources. So if I had the money and the this and the that, I would say ‘Here’s a parachute Dan, we’re going to drop you off in this place, go set up a headquarters and make a whole new team that works elsewhere’, and then once you’re there start fixing things locally.   It’s still global change and global awareness, but it’s from a local sensibility.

Melissa: So you’re taking the language that you’ve created as a company, or the…

Antonio: the methods…

Melissa: right, but then tailoring it to that community?

Dan: Yeah, like, what are the fundamental principles behind what we’re doing? And I think our principles and our approach to the work we’re doing is what forced us to be local. What we found, as we tried to do things and approach things authentically, what we found actually connected was local, because that’s what we had access to.  But, even in being ‘local’, we are still entering a community that’s not our community.  So our approach still has to do with getting to know the community, finding out what their needs are, how we can fit in, how we can be helpful—so our result is from that process of getting to know that community.

Antonio: We are interested in saying ‘What is our conversation with this community, and what am I bringing to it and what are they bringing to it?’

On Justin Bieber & Swagger Coaching:

Andrew: Can we talk about Justin Bieber?


Melissa: Actually I was going to ask you about Bieber.

Antonio: Really?

Melissa: Yeah.  We can’t talk about theatre, so…

Andrew: Well there are these two things that are going to come out in this Rolling Stone article—

Antonio—is it out already?

Andrew: It may be out already.  He says abortion is wrong, and arguably under any circumstances—so they asked, ‘What if somebody was raped’, and he sort of said, I’m paraphrasing, ‘Everything happens for a reason’.

Antonio: Yeah, I read it though.

Andrew: You read the actual interview?

Antonio: That’s why I thought it was out already.

Melissa: I think it is out.

Antonio: I just feel like, ‘cause I’ve heard a couple people say ‘Justin Bieber thinks abortion is wrong’, and the other half of that sentence is, ‘I’ve never been in a situation like that and I’m not judging anybody’, so…

Dan: And I think that’s an important side to it.

Antonio: It is!

Dan: I mean are we actually looking to a twelve year old for our worldviews?

Andrew: He’s not twelve.

Dan: Well-

Catherine: He’s 16.  He doesn’t even know how to have sex yet.

Andrew: His music would suggest that he is a fantastic love maker.


Andrew: He also makes a comment about gay people in that interview, and I think maybe this is being spun in a certain way, but, he says it’s a person’s decision whether they are gay or not. So people have pounced on that because is he saying—does he think that homosexuality is a choice, which would be a terrible idea to advance.

Antonio: Sure.

Catherine: But if he’s coming from the religious background that the abortion comments come from—

Antonio: No, he’s from Stratford.

Catherine: His family’s very religious.  He’s all about God gave me this, God is bringing me this way, so if that’s the background from which he’s coming, at 16 years old when you do not understand action versus consequence, the world’s bigger picture, all of these things, then it’s just doctrine, right?

Antonio: He’s a kid, right? So he says things the way they come out.

Andrew: And frankly, he can have whatever view he wants. I don’t actually care what his view is.

Dan: Well—

Andrew: It would significantly alter my appreciation for him as a, you know…

Antonio: You might return the album?


Melissa: (to Andrew, and somewhat surprised) do you like Justin Bieber? Are you a fan?

Andrew: I’m actually more impressed by Jaden Smith.  I think he’s a good little actor, and he’s got that, what’s that called that Bieber had? Not a ‘strut coach’ but a –

Antonio: Swagger?

Andrew: Yeah, like a ‘Swagger Coach’

Antonio: Oh my God! Why do I not have that job?

Andrew: I know.

Antonio: I could be a Swagger Coach.

Dan: Yeah.

Melissa: But do you like the ‘Swagger’? I find it so fake. He was on Ellen and they were dancing, and he wasn’t dancing.  He was posing.

Antonio: I find a lot of his dance moves suspect. They’re very weird.  He’s not a good dancer, so when he does them it looks like he’s punching the air. It’s like punch the air, kick the tiger, turn, turn.

Melissa: Kick the tiger?

Andrew: Isn’t it like the Michael Jackson ‘distract the tiger, kick the tiger move’?

Melissa: Wow, I am clearly missing out on Bieber’s moves.

On Distracting the Tiger:


The Middle Place runs until March 12th at the Berkeley St. Theatre.  Click here for tickets and info.

To make a $5 donation to Tokens4Change, and help raise even more tokens for Youth Without Shelter, text TOKENS to 45678. For more information visit or

Melissa D’Agostino is an award-winning actor, writer, singer and producer.  She also likes tea.  Check her out at

February 28, 2011, by

Reilly Dow will illustrate the The Digital You – creating a visual representation of our discussion through graphic recording.

If you are an Equity member attending CAEA’s AGM in Toronto tonight – this year there is something a little different.

From 8pm to 9:30pm I will be moderating a discussion on the way social media tools like blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube have been rapidly transforming the theatrical landscape in a panel called: “The Digital You.”

The panelists for this discussion are: Ross Manson, Maev Beaty, Marjorie Chan and John Karastamatis. These artists and arts professionals represent a broad range of social media use in conjunction with performance. I think it will be a lively discussion and I am excited to see what it looks like at the end as a graphic recording.

Hopefully we will be able to digitize and share this recording!

From the website:

Graphic recording is a powerful tool for synthesizing conversations, dialogues, meetings and events. The recorder creates large-format visuals in real time, tapping into the collective intelligence and wisdom of a group and bringing it to life with graphics.  These “murals” act as a public memory, and help participants in any meeting or conversation share complex ideas easily.

February 25, 2011, by

“You Should have Stayed Home” the documentary airs tonight on CBC. The play gets workshopped this spring and presented soon after.

by Michael Wheeler

How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto, is one of the first Facebook notes I can think of that practically everyone I knew had read or had at least heard about. Says a little about the circles I move in, but whatever. I had never met its author, Tommy Taylor, but I knew he was in theatre, and I remember taking a little pride in the fact that the person who had responded most scathingly and appropriately through social media to the G20 debacle was one of us.

So when Tommy contacted me to see if Praxis Theatre would like to collaborate with his company The Original Norwegian to adapt his facebook note for the stage, it only took one beer with him and collaborator Julian DeZotti to ensure we would get along, to jump at the opportunity. As a company dedicated to new works by local artists, many of which have been adaptations, this project made a lot of sense for Praxis Theatre in terms of taking what we do, and pushing it one step further by adapting a html social media document. Throw in that we have heavily leveraged our political and online engagement as a company, and it does seem like an awfully good fit.

To celebrate this new collaboration and I interviewed Tommy on GChat earlier this week.

9:10 PM

me: So what made you choose, “You Should Have Stayed Home” as the name of the piece you have chosen to make about your experience at G20 in Toronto?

9:18 PM

Tommy: The documentary on tonight’s The Fifth Estate on CBC, which I appear in, is also called “You Should Have Stayed Home.”  (So now people have commented online that the CBC is being callous, rude or that they are “a government pawn”.) So, I rung in with: “I called it that because that is what most people said to me afterward.”

The documentary explores what is wrong with that statement–it attempts to see past the sensationalizing of broken windows and burning cars to show the truth of what happened that weekend. “You Should Have Stayed Home” is not the literal or glib title you might think. I was held in detention for 24 hours and it was horrible, but what I found to be more horrifying was the way average Canadians reacted with apathy and indifference… thus “You Should Have Stayed Home”.

9:19 PM

me: When you say commented online – do you mean on your Facebook page or other places?

9:21 PM

Tommy: Oh, the Facebook. That’s where a lot of G20 talk happens. Different groups, my page, other activists’ pages, Dalton McGunity’s page…

9:22 PM

me: So, speaking of Facebook – this is how I heard about your experience. You wrote this 11,000 word Facebook note complete with video and images – want to throw out some other stats about it?

9:25 PM

Tommy: Facebook is how everyone heard about it. Since I published it on Tues. June 29 I have received about 5,000 messages from about 21 countries and it’s been translated into 7 languages by various people. I went from around 300 ‘friends’ to around 1,300.

9:26 PM

me: How long after G20 did you write it and why did you decide to?

9:27 PM

(i also love that we have to qualify statements to clarify that actions were taken by people not computers)

G20 Detention Centre

9:37 PM

Tommy: Well, after I got out of the detention centre on Sunday night around 10pm, I hadn’t slept for 40 hours, was cold, starving, dehydrated, no means to get home, no idea where my girlfriend was and running the whole thing through my mind so I wouldn’t forget. And it was raining (our apartment flooded while we were caged up – amazing end to a wonderful weekend in T.O.). Having made it home, I made phone calls to loved ones, changed my wet socks, made notes on badge numbers, names and times, and I still couldn’t sleep.

I got on the computer very early Monday morning and started typing until I was finished Tuesday morning at 11:07am. And why Facebook? I was never a huge fan of Facebook outside of using it for marketing/promotion theatre-wise, but I just wanted to get this out there as fast as possible and to as many people as possible. I also wanted it to get to people who knew me and would take the time to read it. I was afraid that everyone was just seeing the Yonge street mess and missing the important stories from G20.

9:38 PM

me: Kerouack would like this creative process.

9:40 PM

Tommy: Toronto earthquake to signal the start of G20, a flood to end it. Eat that pathetic fallacy King Lear.

me: So, now you have decided to get your theatre company The Last Norweigan, together with Praxis Theatre to make a play based on your note? Why make a play?

Tommy with wristband and evidence bag wearing a T shirt fraught with irony

Tommy:The Original Norwegian….



9:41 PM

me: I wonder if i will leave that in or not…

9:42 PM

Tommy: Sounds like a Scandinavian take on the Last of the Mohicans

9:43 PM

me: I would rather it was a Scandinavian take on The Last Starfighter

Tommy: Or a Scandavian take on The Last Unicorn.

9:44 PM

That brings us back to the play I think.

9:58 PM

Tommy and Kate went to get slushies and got home a little later than they anticipated.

Tommy: It’s going to be a funny show. After I got out I was angry. Very angry. I did the classic movie angry-guy-punching-a-wall, I was a wee bit broken coming out of there. Then I began to write, began to react in a way that I know how: creating and using humour – that’s how I work through things. Which sounds like lame artsy talk I know, but too bad because it’s true.

Creating a show about the experience was rattling in my head as well, but I needed to write about it first. At the time I wrote that note my friend and theatre cohort Julian DeZotti was away at 1,000 Islands Playhouse. When he finally read about it he got an email to me stating “We’re going to turn this into show! This is outrageous!” and other words of encouragement. Other people said similar things to me about “you gotta make this a play” and in my mind I was saying “I know! I will!”

Then came activism and educating myself on what made G20 possible. There is such a never-ending stream of important causes and information that I got very swept up. It took me about 6 months to react to this as an artist. Which for me, is nuts. I always have my artist hat on for every experience, it’s all fuel for creation – but this got to me on a whole new level. I want to share the insanity of that weekend, why it’s changed me and all the insanity that’s come afterward. A lot of it still makes me laugh. And cry. Laugh-Cry.

me: And so now there is this CBC doc coming out about G20 that you appear prominently in and is named after the piece of theatre you have chosen to make about it. This is pretty good press for a show that hasn’t been made yet when and where can people check it out?

10:17 PM

Tommy: The CBC doc is Fri. Feb 25th at 9pm. The Facebook note went viral and my story appeared a lot of places (online, print, TV). I wound up speaking at a number of rallies (in fact, I got engaged to my beautiful girlfriend and fellow detainee Kate on the Canada Day Rally the week after G20) and I kind of became popular in the world of G20 Toronto.

Lets get engaged!

(Quick note – the CBC website for the doc already has 23 comments and it hasn’t even aired. Here’s a user comment: “as of now it is well established beyond any doubt that all those so called protesters were ‘Bandits In Disguise’ out to achieve their sole objective of creating mayhem and spreading chaos”)

10:19 PM

me: Oh yeah – you and your fiancee Kate got engaged right after this all went down. So really this both is a comedy and a love story then.

10:21 PM

Tommy: Aren’t all love stories comedies, Michael?

me: Fair. Would you take a pic of yourself with your computer for the top of the post?

This spring we will be holding a 3-day workshop of You Should Have Stayed Home, culminating in a public reading of some sort on the final evening. Stay tuned to this website and here for more details.

We hope to see you there and get feedback on what the heck should and should not be in this piece of theatre. We are going to move fast on this one as a three-year workshop process isn’t going to be useful to anyone.

February 23, 2011, by


Video discovered on the always compelling AWG: Chicago theatre blog. Clearly it was made to garner some big consulting bucks – still, it’s hard to not find the argument compelling. Things do seem to be advancing at more than an incremental rate…

February 22, 2011, by

Many theatre artists would like to eat all parts of this hamburger over the course of a given year. Right now its made with mystery meat, but CAEA wants to hear your thoughts on a new recipe.

by Michael Wheeler

If you are a member of CAEA and want to have a say in how you create your own work, the most important email you will ever receive on this topic will arrive in your mailbox starting on Wednesday February 23rd, 2011.

From the “Equiflash” message sent to members last week:

Members with an active email address on file with the office will receive notification and instructions, directly from Leger Marketing, beginning on February 23. In order to speed processing and enable the kind of analysis that will be needed on the results, this survey will only be conducted electronically.”

“The results of this survey will have a direct impact on policies that will determine Equity’s level of support for small-scale and independent theatre, and this could have a significant impact on your career. We hope you’ll take the time to share your thoughts with us.”

In recent years there has been a nation-wide groundswell of discontent with CAEA’s policies regarding independent artists and their collaborators seeking to make their own work and take control of their careers.

Some examples of this discontent include the formation of The Indie Caucus (2007) which has held four separate public consultations on the topic at various Toronto theatres, Consecutive 96-1 and 42-4 votes at national AGMs (2008-2009) to address the situation, a special packed-house Regional AGM held specifically to discuss the issue (2010), and finally the creation of the Independent Theatre Review Committee (2010) to study the issue and make recommendations.

Eight months after being formed, this committee has taken a single public step:  To send you the email you will receive on Wednesday. The answers from the poll linked in the email will form the basis for the values the committee determines should inform their recommendations.

Translation: Four years after this movement started, this is your biggest chance to impact how independently created work is encouraged and made. Do you think Canadian Theatre is going awesome? Do you think we may have to reshape and rethink the way work is created and contracted in the 21st Century? Or is the current model working well?

Normally this is the stuff artists philosophize about in the green room or over beers or whatever. This survey is your biggest shot at having your thoughts impact the way Canadian Theatre is made, encouraged and how you will participate in that ecosystem. Keep your eyes on your inbox and participate in determining the future practices of your industry.

Two things to note:

1 Is your email updated with Equity? If they don’t have your latest you won’t receive the survey.

2 Check your junk mail. The email is coming from Leger Marketing, which also did a recent member survey on insurance. Some members found this survey in their junk mail presumably because it came as a mass-mailing from an unknown sender.

* The Indie Caucus takes no responsibility for members who don’t fill out the survey, are unhappy with their options as artists in five years time, complain about this fact, and are smitten instantly by a thunderbolt.

February 21, 2011, by

Ladies and gentlemen your Rogers nightmare is over:

  • Login to Facebook and click here to read Al McGale’s note on how he left Rogers now- with no penalties – and how you can too.

If you find this information useful or interesting spread it to your friends on Facebook, Twitter or email using the buttons below. An exodus of customers is likely the only thing that is going to get the genuine attention of telecom companies in Canada. Feel free to use the comments section below to discuss any problems you might have getting the same results as Al.

February 18, 2011, by

There is a group of young ladies from Notre Dame High School that would like to have their say about the production Jesus Chrysler, and how it has impacted them.

Christine Horne (r) plays poet Dorothy Livesay in Jesus Chrysler. She is mentoring an all-women teen theatre collective through the Paprika Festival who attended Praxis Theatre rehearsals last week.

That is us, an all-women cast with no one over the age of eighteen. We are participating in the Paprika festival for youth under 21, and it’s fairly safe to say our experience in theatre is limited to the classroom. In fact, the production we submitted came out of an exam six of us wrote and performed about oppression last year. It would be a fair assessment to say our progress has branched off from an oppression themed production, and we are currently collaboratively mounting something more to do with generation gaps and perceptions.

We work strongly together, primarily because we have been classmates for almost four years, and after working together for several months, Paprika decided to give us a mentor. Enter stage right, Christine Horne, our mentor and outside eye. She continues to work with us, and recently gave us the opportunity to watch one of the rehearsals for the show, Jesus Chrysler.

As a group of eight teenage women presenting their first production, we were grateful that the people of Jesus Chrysler let us sit in for one of their rehearsals. We had no idea what to expect as we walked into Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, we thought there would be some fierce director with a megaphone and a prima donna that always needed water. Those hoping Jesus Chrysler would have those two elements would have been severely disappointed.

When we entered, we entered a very calm atmosphere. After we were introduced to the team, they began their rehearsal, starting with notes and then beginning a full dress run through. They told each of us to move to different areas of the audience positions so they would know if they were being heard. If a line was getting lost we let Michael, the director, know. We watched Christine in action, working with Margaret Evans and Keith Barker, and noticed the cooperation between the actors and the director.

Any notes the director gave were listened to, but if the actors had any notes, they were heard as well. Someone that also really impressed us was Rebecca Powell, their stage manager, who seemed always focused. The way they worked with one another was a prelude to the actual show itself, it was clear they all had a common goal: tell the story.

Stage Manager Becky Powell, pictured here in tech,

We came in not really sure about what the play was about, or the story. None of us knew who Eugenia ‘Jim’ Watts was until they showed us, on stage. We were greeted with an intriguing personality, and had no idea this was a character born from someone with a strong history in Toronto until that time. After we left, we all checked in with each other to find out what we were all feeling.

There was this resonance towards the show, even if most of us didn’t know the story, simply because we could see that they all wanted to tell her story, and tell it well. This is something we weren’t doing for our own production, because we didn’t have a clear idea as to what story we were telling. They’re presenting a show about a woman that you want to know about. We got to an all girls Catholic school, focused on women’s empowerment, and we have never heard of the name Eugenia ‘Jim’ Watts. This is a woman we should know about, especially if we’re even remotely focused on the topic of empowerment.

There’s more to this play than the woman, but what we took away from the rehearsal was realizing the power of wanting to tell a story and realizing the importance of a story.

We hope the last two nights went well, and we are excited to come see it on Saturday. Thank you Jesus Chrysler.

Images by Will O’Hare Photography

Jesus Chrysler runs for two more nights at the Buddies in Bad Times Rhubarb Festival. Rumour has it that Saturday night is selling out, so if you want to avoid disappointment tonight could be your best bet. Click here for tickets and more information.